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Tuesday March 11, 2025 Salt Lake City, UT


Millard County Fatal Crash 7/19/2019

Saturday July 20, 2019

Date: 07-19-2019

Time: 08:20

Location: SR-6

Mile Post: 84

Travel Direction: West

Inv. Agency: UHP

Inv. Officer: Jeff Rowell

Initial Description:
A blue Dodge pickup was traveling north on SR-257, approaching the intersection with SR-6. The driver of the blue pickup did not stop, and did not appear to attempt to slow or stop at the stop sign and drove into the intersection at full speed. At the same time, a Dodge pickup pulling a horse trailer loaded with horses was traveling West on SR-6. The driver of the horse trailer noticed that the northbound truck was not going to stop and attempted to stop himself. However, with the load of horses on board he could tell that he was not going to be able to stop and instead determined to try speeding up and getting past the other truck before it struck him. The northbound truck struck the horse trailer between the truck and trailer, completely severing the trailer in half and spilling the horses onto the road, killing two and seriously injuring at least one other. The driver of the northbound blue pickup was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown onto the dash and the passenger
side of the truck. He was deceased at the scene. SR-6 was closed during the investigation and clean up.

The driver was identified as 62 year old Randy Haddenham of Milford, UT.


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