Inside DPS
Media Alert
Press Release
Protecting Utah
Utah Highway Patrol Appoints New Public Information Officer

The Utah Highway Patrol has appointed Sergeant Cameron Roden as its next Public Information Officer. Sergeant Roden began his UHP career working the roads in Salt Lake County. He later accepted a position to serve as Assistant PIO, working out of UHP Headquarters. He worked within the Highway Safety Office before transferring to work the roads in Utah County, where he was promoted to Sergeant in 2019. Additionally, Sergeant Roden is currently working on his bachelor’s degree in Business Management at Utah State University. Sergeant Roden not only brings a great deal of experience in different fields, but also has a great deal of past PIO experience. We congratulate Sergeant Roden and know he will be successful as our UHP PIO.
Sergeant Roden has replaced Lieutenant Nick Street who has served as the DPS/UHP PIO since August of 2018. Lt. Street has applied for and obtained a Lieutenant position within the Statewide Information and Analysis Center and State Bureau of Investigation.
The Department of Public Safety – Public Affairs Director, Joe Dougherty, will oversee media requests for the following divisions of DPS: Peace Officer Standards and Training, Driver License, Highway Safety, Fire Marshal, Emergency Management, Forensic Services, Criminal Identification (BCI), and the Commissioner’s Office.
Sergeant Roden will oversee media requests for the Utah Highway Patrol, the State Bureau of Investigation, DPS Communications (Dispatch), the Statewide Information and Analysis Center, and DPS Special Units (e.g. Aero Bureau, Dive Team, Public Protection Unit, etc.).
Joe Dougherty
Director of Public Affairs
Utah Department of Public Safety
Sgt. Cameron Roden
Public Information Officer
Utah Highway Patrol