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Wednesday February 19, 2025 Salt Lake City, UT


Highway Safety

Media Alert

Press Release

Protecting Utah

UHP Kicks Off Adopt-A-High School Program with a Sweet Treat for Seat Belted Skyhawks

Thursday September 19, 2019

At Salem Hills High School, Troopers handed out Creamies to teens who were buckled up.

Vehicles leaving Salem Hills High parking lot - student is handing a Creamie to a passenger as a news media camera films the interaction.
UHP Trooper gives a fist bump to a seat belted driver as he exits the Salem Hills High parking lot.

With students headed back to school and getting behind the wheel, the Utah Highway Patrol (UHP) has launched its Adopt-A-High School program for the new school year. This means  UHP Troopers are back on campus reminding teens about the importance of always buckling up.

Trooper Bradford stands at the center of a circle of the student body officers and briefs them about the plans for distributing the Creamies.
Trooper Bradford briefs the student body officers about the plans for distributing the Creamies.

UHP kicked off the program at Salem Hills High School, where Troopers put away their citation books and instead rewarded students with Creamies for each teen who was buckled up on Tuesday, September 10th. The teens were surprised with a sweet treat as they drove off campus. The Creamies Company donated their signature ice cream treat for Troopers to hand out during the Adopt-A-High School event.

A group photo featuring the student body officers Salem City police officers, UHP troopers in front of a trailer that says "We love you so buckle up."
A UHP Trooper and Salem Hills student body officer talk to the driver of a vehicle and offer a Creamie.
A UHP trooper stands at the window of a vehicle leaving Salem Hills High parking lot, talking to the passenger and driver about seat belt safety.
A line of cars is exiting Salem Hills High parking lot. Salem City PD Chief is at one vehicle window, a UHP trooper at the next and student body officers are offering Creamies to another vehicle.
UHP trooper shakes the hand of a seat belted driver and offers him a Creamie.

UHP’s ADOPT A HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM: High schools across the state are adopted by Utah Highway Patrol Troopers to educate youth about the importance of safe driving. Troopers visit the school monthly with planned activities, not only for the students, but the faculty and public. They conduct three observational seat belt surveys – fall, winter & spring – to develop a baseline and show progress made in seat belt use.

So far this year, the UHP has officially adopted 14 high schools throughout the state.

MEDIA Contact: UHP Sergeant Nicholas Street 801-554-5659



Hillary Koellner
Director of Public Affairs
Department of Public Safety


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