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Thursday March 13, 2025 Salt Lake City, UT

Inside DPS

Motorcycle Rider Education

Tuesday June 12, 2018

Over the last few months Dennis Walker with the Driver License Division has been working hard to to get increased awareness of the Motorcycle Rider Education courses offered in Utah.  

During this years riding season Dennis and Dave Tafoya will be taking our new pop up tents and flags to several charity rides to promote beginner and experienced rider training and safety.

This past weekend was the Ride for the Cure on behalf of the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Salt Lake Harley Davidson sponsors the ride each year and is one of the best attended and largest motorcycle rides in the State of Utah. The ride originates at Salt Lake Harley Davidson and ends in Wendover, NV.  The Utah Highway Patrol Motorcycle Squad escorts the riders from Salt Lake to the Nevada State Line.

The C-Store/Gas Station at Delle, Utah is a favorite stop for riders between Salt Lake and Wendover, especially those with small fuel tanks. The owners of the gas station store were kind enough to give us permission to set up our Division motorcycle education and safety information booth there.

We were able to talk to many ride participants about the rider education programs for beginning and experienced riders. Several riders gathered information for their family members and friends who have an interest in riding motorcycles. Several riders we spoke with had taken the basic rider course but were interested in the experienced rider courses.

John Holt and Bureau Chief Todd Holbrook came out and joined Dave and Dennis in the booth helping answer questions, hand out information packets, pass out cold water to the riders and talk with the public about our program.  

Here’s a quote we received from the Riderz Foundation:

“We would like to thank DPS License Division for having a booth with water, informational brochures and free giveaways for all the MDA riders that stopped at the Dell gas station today before their trip to Wendover. It was a great day meeting riders and talking to them about the resources that are available for Motorcyclists. We appreciate everything they are doing for the motorcycle community! Thank you Dennis, Todd, John and Tafoya.”

If you are interested in more information about our Motorcycle education program, contact Dennis Walker at 801-631-9242 or




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