Media Alert
Press Release
Fatal Crash Investigation SR-92
On Friday, October 21, 2022, at approximately 12:37 pm, a collision occurred on SR-92 at the intersection of the I-15 interchange. Lehi City has asked the Utah Highway Patrol to investigate the crash because it involved a city vehicle. The collision involved a Lehi City Fire truck traveling westbound on SR-92. The fire truck was responding lights and siren to a call for service. As the firetruck approached the intersection with the I-15 southbound off-ramp lanes, they collided with a Chevy Spark in a t-bone-style crash. The Chevy Spark was coming southbound from the I-15 off-ramp. The conditions of the intersection at the time of the crash are currently under investigation. The 20-year-old female driver, who was the sole occupant of the Chevy Spark, sustained fatal injuries and died at the scene. The firefighters were evaluated on scene for minor injuries. Eastbound traffic remained open and westbound traffic was closed for approximately 4 ½ hours while the crash was being investigated
For information regarding the updated condition of the firefighters, what type of call they were responding to, or any information outside of the crash investigation, contact the Lehi City PIO.