Press Release
Double Fatal I-15 milepost 323, Farmington (Updated 11/1/21)
Just before 6:00 PM, on October 31, 2021, a UDOT Incident Management Truck (IMT) was stopped on a motorist assist southbound I-15 near milepost 323 in Farmington. The IMT was on the right-hand shoulder with his emergency equipment activated. He was in his truck typing notes on his computer as the motorist he had just helped was pulling away.
A white Infiniti G35, occupied by a female driver and child passenger were traveling in lane three at the same location, I-15 in this area is a four-lane roadway. For an unknown reason, the driver of the Infiniti swerved to the right, crossing lane four, and entered the shoulder where the IMT unit was sitting. The driver side of the Infiniti struck the rear of the IMT truck at a high rate of speed. The driver of the Infiniti sustained fatal injuries on impact. The rear passenger, a 10-year-old boy was life-flighted to a local children’s hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.
The incident management member sustained minor injuries and was transported to a local hospital, but was released a short time later. I-15 in Farmington was closed at Park Lane for approximately 4 hours during the investigation. The motorist that was on the side of the road was not injured.
Infiniti Driver (Fatal): Heather C Timmins Age: 48 From: Salt Lake City, UT
Infiniti Passenger (Fatal): Atticus Timmins Age: 10 From: Salt Lake City, UT