Media Alert
Press Release
Details on the Fatal Crash I-15 NB at MM 105 near Beaver, Ut
DPS Incident Notification 7850 (Crash – Fatal / Supplemental Information / Sent: 04-13-2020 19:23)
Section: 11 // District:
Date: 04-13-2020
Time: 16:02
Location: I-15
Mile Post: 105
Travel Direction: North
Inv. Agency: Utah Highway Patrol
Initial Description:
On April 13, 2020, Section 11 District B Troopers were dispatched to a single vehicle rollover near milepost 105, I-15 Northbound. The involved vehicle was a Dodge pick-up truck pulling a utility trailer with a UTV on the trailer. The vehicle was occupied by an elderly male driver and elderly female passenger. Prior to the crash, the pick-up was traveling below the posted speed limit in the right lane. For unknown reasons, the vehicle drifted to the left, crossed the left lane and went off the roadway to the left. The driver corrected to the right, causing the vehicle to cross both travel lanes and go off the right side of the roadway. The vehicle then rolled 1.5 times and came to rest on the passenger side. When troopers arrived, the female passenger was located in the backseat with severe injuries. The male driver suffered minor injuries. Both occupants were transported to a local area hospital. The female sustained fatal injuries and passed away before arriving to the hospital. The male is being treated for non-life threatening injuries. Fatigue is being investigated as the possible cause for the crash.
The deceased female passenger is Elizabeth McCarver, age 84 of Osburn, Idaho.