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Thursday March 13, 2025 Salt Lake City, UT

Highway Safety

Protecting Utah

Easter Weekend Safe Driving Tips

Friday April 19, 2019

 In the past week, the Utah Highway Patrol has handled 7 fatal crashes resulting in 8 deaths. 

We know a lot of people will be traveling for the holiday weekend, and we want to make sure no one else is involved in a fatal crash.

UHP troopers throughout the state will be working extra enforcement shifts with the goal of helping everyone get home safely.

Please, whether you’re heading down the street or across the state, make safe driving a priority for you and your family.

Safe Travel Tips

Here’s what you can do to help keep yourself and your family safe on the road.

Buckle up - every trip, every time, everyone

Seat belts save lives. Make sure everyone in your vehicle buckles up.

Never drive distracted

When you’re driving, focus on driving. Whether it’s cell phones, food or passengers, avoid distractions of any kind and keep your focus on the road.

Drive sober - police lights in mirror

If you’ll be drinking, make plans for a safe and sober ride home. Call a cab, ride share, sober friend or family member – never drink and drive.

Never drive drowsy.

Make sure you’re well rested and if you’re traveling long distances, schedule breaks or switch drivers. Get info on the warning signs of drowsy driving here. If you’ve traveling overnight, make sure everyone in the vehicle stays buckled up, even if they go to sleep.

Don't exceed the speed limit - picture of cars driving south on the 15 in southern Utah

Speed is a leading contributing factor for fatal crashes. The speed limit is for ideal conditions – great visibility, dry roads. Adjust your speed for conditions if you encounter any kind of inclement weather.

Look twice for motorcycles - picture of riders by Hill AFB museum.

The nice weather means our two-wheeled friends will be out on the roads with us. Be sure to look twice for them, especially when you’re turning at intersections and into/out of driveways or parking lots. And if you’re riding, check out Sgt. Lucas’ spring motorcycle riding tips and never ride above your skill level.

Move Over for emergency vehicles - it's the law

If you see emergency vehicles on the side of the road, move over and slow down. Give them the work they need to do their jobs safely.

Keep a sharp eye out for pedestrians and cyclists. They are two of our most vulnerable roadway users.

Our goal is for everyone to get home safely. Have a great weekend and drive safely!


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