Media Alert
2021 Memorial Day DUI Blitz Media Availability UHP
For Immediate Release:
UHP to Conduct Increased DUI Enforcement During the Memorial Day Holiday
Extra DUI Patrols for summer’s “100 deadliest days” begin Friday
The Utah Highway Patrol will continue increased enforcement by targeting impaired drivers beginning Friday, May 28th, 2021, and will kick off the extra enforcement with a DUI blitz in Salt Lake County. Memorial Day Weekend marks the start of summer’s “100 Deadliest Days ” on Utah roadways. Traffic fatality rates nearly double during this period. UHP will be holding a DUI Blitz and kickoff event for the “Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over” campaign. To help prevent alcohol-related crashes and keep everyone on Utah’s roads safe, UHP Troopers and law enforcement officers throughout the state will be out in full force to deter, detect and remove impaired drivers. They’ll do so with the addition of over 200 DUI enforcement shifts worked this weekend, and another 700 shifts throughout June and July.
As of Monday, May 24th, Utah has had 107 fatalities on our roadways. This is in stark contrast to the same date in 2020, where we saw 86 lives lost. Needless to say, 2021 is already off to a rough start, and alcohol or drug-impaired drivers are to blame for many of these unnecessary deaths and serious injuries. We hope these increased enforcement efforts will encourage the public to make the right choice ahead of time and plan for a sober ride.
This DUI blitz will kick off starting at nine o’clock tonight in Murray. Troopers will be available for ride-alongs and media members are welcome to attend the in-person briefing. One-on-one interviews with Lt. Shelby will be available afterward.
WHEN: Friday, May 28th AT 9:00 P.M.
WHERE: The Utah Highway Patrol Office located at 5681 S 320 W, Murray, Utah
WHO: Lieutenant Brent Shelby, DUI Squad Commander
Corporal Tara Wahlberg UHP Public Information Officer
Media Contact:
Corporal Tara Wahlberg
Recruiter – Public Information Officer – Social Media Coordinator
Utah Highway Patrol