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Thursday March 13, 2025 Salt Lake City, UT



Highway Safety

Inside DPS

Press Release

Utah’s New Lane Filtering Law

Wednesday May 8, 2019

As you might or might not be aware of, Utah has a new law that will affect all motorists. Utah’s new motorcycle lane filtering law goes into effect on May 14, 2019.

What Is Lane Filtering?

Definition: “Lane filtering” means, when operating a motorcycle other than an autocycle, the act of overtaking and passing another vehicle that is stopped in the same direction of travel in the same lane.

Motorcycle lane filtering between two lanes of stopped traffic.

In short: lane filtering refers to the process of a motorcyclist moving between two lanes to the front of traffic stopped at an intersection.

A motorcyclist waits for a light to turn green after filtering between lanes of stopped vehicles.
Lane filtering becomes legal on Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Drivers and riders will need to be aware of this new behavior and the specific circumstances under which it is permitted.

Motorcycles Can Only Lane Filter When:

Motorcyclists can only lane filter on roadways with speeds of 45 mph or less.
A motorcycle can only lane filter on a roadway with 2 or more adjacent traffic lanes in the same direction of travel.
Motorcycles can only lane filter between stopped vehicles.
Motorcycle speed cannot be faster than 15 mph when filtering
Motorcycles can only lane filter if the movement can be made safely.
  • the individual is operating a motorcycle;
  • the individual is on a roadway divided into two or more adjacent traffic lanes in the same direction of travel;
  • the individual is on a roadway with a speed limit of 45 miles per hour or less;
  • the vehicle being overtaken in the same lane is stopped;
  • the motorcycle is traveling at a speed of 15 miles per hour or less;
  • and the movement may be made safely.
Motorcycle lane filtering demonstration

What Drivers Need to Know

Drivers should expect to see motorcycles lane filtering between stopped vehicles starting May 14th.
  • Starting May 14th, lane filtering between stopped vehicles on roadways with at least 2 lanes in the same direction and speeds of 45 mph and lower will be legal in Utah.
  • Drivers can expect to see motorcyclists engaging in this new driving behavior.
4 photos show what lane filtering will look like for drivers.
Several views of what lane filtering will look like for drivers.

Recent News Stories About Lane Filtering

Some of the major roads where drivers will see this:

  • Salt Lake County
    • Foothill Blvd
    • State Street
    • 7th East
    • Redwood Road
  • Davis/Weber Counties
    • Parrish Lane
    • Antelope Drive
    • Park Lane
    • Riverdale Road
    • Harrison Blvd
    • Washington
  • Utah County
    • State Street
    • 1600 north Orem
    • 800 north Orem
    • Geneva Road

What Riders Need To Know

Photo shows a motorcycle lane filtering and then includes text that tells the specific conditions under which a motorcycle may legal lane filter.
  • Lane filtering is NOT the same as California’s lane splitting.
  • Lane filtering can only be performed between stopped vehicles on roads with speed limits of 45 mph or less and two or more lanes in the same direction.
  • Lane filtering is a CHOICE. Riders do not have to lane filter.
  • Lane filtering can present unique safety challenges for riders – especially inexperienced ones.
  • If riders choose to lane filter, they should exercise extreme caution at all times.
Photo shows motorcycle lane filtering and then has text describing the circumstances under which it is legal.


Hillary Koellner
Director of Public Affairs
Department of Public Safety


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