Protecting Utah
Avalanche Awareness Week 2019
This is part of our #UtahHazards411 ongoing series to teach Utahns about the hazards around our state and how to stay safe.
On average, 2.8 people die each year in avalanches.
In 2018, 4 people lost their lives.
It’s time to change that.

We love the outdoors. It doesn’t matter what season. Utahns like to be outside. Unfortunately, each season has a specific risk.
In 2019, the Utah Legislature created Avalanche Awareness Week to help Utahns recreating in the snowy backcountry come home safely. Avalanche Awareness Week happens on the first week of December each year.
Here are some simple tips to stay safe from avalanches:
- Know before you go: Visit the Utah Avalanche Center to check avalanche conditions and forecasts for the backcountry areas you plan to visit
- Learn from others: Check out the reading and training list by the Utah Avalanche Center
- Get the gear: Always carry a transceiver, probe, and shovel in the backcountry to help you find a buried partner and be found.
- Wear it: Always carry your gear on your body with your transceiver turned on.
- Consider riding with an inflatable pack to increase your chances of staying on top of an avalanche.
- Be aware of hazardous or changing conditions, such as recent avalanche activity, or changes in wind or snowfall.
- Stay in your comfort zone and out of avalanche mitigation areas.
- 1 at a time on suspect slopes.
Get more tips at Know Before You Go.

Photo: Joe Dougherty, Utah DPS-Emergency Management

Joe Dougherty is the public information officer for our Division of
Emergency Management.